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Studio 44 Mauritius
Where Art Meets Glass

Studio 44 Mauritius Craft Workshops

Stained Glass
is a way of creating panels large or small by joining together pieces of glass with strips of lead.
is another style and way to join together glass pieces by copper foiling each piece and then soldering them together.
In this workshop we will be introducing you to the art of creating
lampshades, panels etc. with the Tiffany technique.
The workshop is held over 4 sessions of 3 hours each.
I will show and teach you what I have learned over the past 25 years, working with glass.
Having seen the different type of glass, I will show you:
How to cut the glass
Make a pattern and cut the glass to fit
Tricks to cut smaller pieces
Polish the glass
Foiling of the pieces
Assembling the pieces into panels
Soldering the piece together
Assembling the project.
I will supply all the raw material and tools necessary for the project.
The workshop for the 4 sessions is Rupees 8000.
We encourage students to use the facilities available at the studio until such time as they are ready to go on their own.
You can rent space at the studio for only Rupees 350.00 per hour;
you will have access to all tools and equipment necessary for your project.
The cost of the glass, copper foil and lead, will be calculated
according to the type of glass and paint used.
Looking forward to welcoming you to the world of hot glass.
First the material we will use:
The Glass: Locally we do not have any raw material and thus we import the glass mainly from America. We have at the Creative Quarter five type of glass:
Firstly: we have the standard clear window glass.
Secondly: we have the painted window glass (this is also a workshop that we will be giving)
Thirdly: we have the one called peau d”orange which is a clear glass with a crackly finish.
Fourthly: we have a very limited choice is colours.
Fifthly: we have imported stained glass sheets in 10 x 10 cm in a variety of colours and designs
Any tradesman or crafter will tell you the same thing; to obtain good quality work you need good quality tools. Having said that, you can enjoy yourself and create great projects with the tools we have available at the Creative Quarter for your use.
The glasscutter: You will use the cutter to Score the glass to enable you to break the pieces, as you need them. There is a variety of cutters: The standard cutter with a bigger head that enables you to break the smaller pieces, The long pen cutter which is self lubricant and the pistol grip cutter which is also self lubricant are the best as they tungsten wheels, giving a better score.
Breaking Pliers: this plier is use to enable you to break the glass on the score line. It has a smooth jaw, which will enable you to chip away the excess piece of glass, comes handy when preparing small pieces.
Running pliers: this plier will enable you to separate the glass on the scored line.
Combination circle / strip cutter: this will enable you to cut circles in the glass.
The grinder: the grinder will enable you to get rid of excess glass on your piece.
The tools above will enable to cut the glass as required for your project.
You will also need a pattern cutting shears (scissor)
Soldering iron. There are a variety of tips for the irons
Solder: is a combination of tin and lead. They come in two types the 50/50 and the 60/40.
There is no difference in strength and each individual will choose the type that suits his or her project and his or her way of working. 60/40 is liked for its smoothness and rounded finish, and also because it melts at a lower temperature.
Copper foil: the copper foil come in rolls and has and adhesive back on one side. The foil comes in various widths and it is recommended to have the foil slightly wider than the thickness of the glass you will use for your project. Foiling is very important and care must be taken when applying it to the glass surface.
Flux: the role of flux in leaded projects is to remove the oxides so that the lead flows freely, you will not be able to solder without applying the flux on the copper.
Patina: patina is used to give the lead a black or antique finish.
Choose a pattern from our many books in our library or make your own design.
Once the design chosen, trace it on a piece of white paper.
Each piece in the design must be numbered.
You must trace the pattern on a transparent plastic, number them as per the pattern and then you have to cut each piece.
Choose the glass for your project.
Use a clear piece of glass, practice scoring and breaking the pieces.
There are a few types of cutters (explained earlier), choose the one that suit you best. Start by making straight lines and curves (concave and conflux). Feel the difference once you apply different pressure on the glass. The right pressure will have a hissing sound, too little pressure will have no sound and too much pressure will have a scratching sound. Never go back on a score as the piece will not break on the score and you will end up loosing the piece and having to re cut it. This is the reason practice is necessary as you do not want to use expensive glass to practice.
Once you have the feel of the cutter and confidant, place the cut pattern on the glass chosen and mark them with a marker. If the glass is not transparent you will have to place the pattern on a light table, provided at the Creative quarters.
Place your pattern cut pieces on the glass, bearing in mind that you will have to score each piece without breaking another marked piece, let me explain, Glass will break on a continuous score, therefor when you place the pattern on the chosen piece of glass, you must ensure that you will be able to score between the other pieces. Practice make perfect.
Take time in placing your pattern pieces on the glass, be practical and be economical, bearing in mind that each piece of glass not required for this project can be kept for a mosaic project?
Take your time and be precise in your scoring as this will save excessive grinding.
Once all your pieces are cut, they must be grinded and placed on your pattern, which you will have pinned on a board.
The pattern is secured on the board by mean of a border (thin strip of wood), to ensure the finish product is of the desired size. The pieces grinded must fit loosely in the block to allow for the foiling and the leading.
The grinded pieces must be washed thoroughly and then dried properly. If there is moisture the foiling may not adhere properly.
The foiling is very important, try to get the glass in the middle of the copper foil strip, press gently at first and then press to a smooth finish.
Place all the pieces on the pattern and tack-weld them. Turn them over and solder the back. Then place back on the pattern and solder to a smooth finish.
Wash the piece thoroughly and dry.
Use steel wool to clean the leaded parts.
Finish with patinas or left as is.
Complete with a polish and seal with a wax product like Mr. Min.

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